Highlights of analysis of VIO and scrappage rates in the US

Highlights of analysis of VIO and scrappage rates in the US

Publication Date: 20-Apr-2023
Number of Pages: 18

This report, based on the webinar hosted by the Aftermarket team at S&P Global Mobility on 20 April 2023, highlights the VIO change at the national, regional and fuel-type level, as vehicles reach end-of-life.

As the country continues to develop post pandemic, this report looks at what we can learn from the numbers and mix of vehicles in operation (VIO), and what trends and influences are in effect, which could benefit or be a disruptor to the aftermarket.

This report delves into the rate of change at the national, regional and fuel-type level, as vehicles reach end-of-life, while also discussing the evolution of vehicle usage in what is becoming the new normal.

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